Report to:

Lead Member for Transport & Environment


Date of meeting:


13 December 2021


Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Petition for the introduction of a speed restriction for the hamlet of Milton Street, Long Man



To consider a petition requesting a reduction in speed limit from national speed limit to 30mph



RECOMMENDATIONS: The Lead Member is recommended to advise petitioners that:

(1)  A 30mph speed limit in the hamlet of Milton Street does not meet the criteria requirements set out in approved policy PS05/02;

(2)  The investigation of additional measures is not a priority for East Sussex County Council;

(3)  The petitioners may wish to consider taking a potential scheme forward through the Community Match Initiative. A Feasibility Study (at a cost of £500) would be required prior to a Community Match application; and

(4)  Contact will be made with National Highways with a request to improve signing at the junction of the A27/Milton Street as this falls within their jurisdiction.



1       Background Information

1.1.        At the County Council meeting on 23 July 2021, a petition was presented to the Chairman by Councillor Stephen Shing from a group of residents calling on the County Council to reduce the speed limit within the hamlet of Milton Street, Long Man, from national speed limit to 30mph. This is from its junction with the A27 to ‘Longbridge House’, where the footpath LON/27/1 meets Lullington Road.

1.2.         A copy of the petition is available in the Members’ Room. Standing Orders provide that where the Chairman considers it appropriate, petitions are considered by the relevant Committee or Lead Member and a spokesperson for the petitioners is invited to address the Committee. The Chairman has referred this petition to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment.


2     Supporting Information

2.1.        Milton Street (C724), Long Man is located south of the National Highways (formally Highways England) A27 Trunk Road, A location plan and photos are included as Appendix 1.

2.2.        The C724 Milton Street is predominantly rural and narrow in nature, with most of the sparse development being set back from the road and screened by vegetation. This type of environment would not give a driver a clear indication of why a 30mph speed limit had been imposed and, in line with national guidance and adopted Policy PS05-02 (Appendix 2), the current national speed limit is considered appropriate.

2.3.        The absence of a posted speed limit indicates to a driver that the road does not require a specific speed limit and that they should drive to the conditions of the road and should also be aware of horses, cyclists, walkers etc. that may be in the carriageway.

2.4.        Major improvement works are currently being carried out along the A27 Trunk Road. This includes the roundabout at Drusillas (next junction west of Milton Street) which also leads to Alfriston. Vehicles may have been using Milton Street as an alternative route whilst these works are being carried out. When this work is completed the need for drivers to divert onto the local road network will be reduced.

2.5.        Sussex Police crash data indicates that there have been no personal injury crashes recorded along the section of the C724 Milton Street indicated in Appendix 1 in the most recent ten-year period.

2.6.        At the present time, we have very limited funding available for assessing lower speed limits and associated measures. The only resources currently available are being targeted at the ‘A’ and ‘B’ roads in the county with a crash rate above the county average. As Milton Street is a 'C' class road and in the absence of a recorded crash record as indicated above, this would not be a priority for us to consider at the present time.

2.7.        It is noted that improvements to the signs at the junction of the A27 are needed, however the signs are placed within the curtilage of the A27 which is within the jurisdiction of National Highways. We will ask that this is investigated by National Highways. The signs include the 7.5 tonne weight restriction signs and the national speed limit signs. The national speed limit signs could potentially be removed as this section of the A27 is also national speed limit and therefore they may not be necessary.

3     Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1.        It is recommended that the petitioners be advised that their request for a 30mph speed limit through the hamlet of Milton Street does not meet the County Council’s criteria which are set in line with national guidance.

3.2.        The investigation of additional measures for Milton Street is not a priority for the Road Safety Team due to the road’s good safety record.

3.3.        It is recommended that the petitioners be advised to contact Long Man Parish Council to see if they would support a Feasibility Study into whether any measures could be considered for part funding through the Community Match initiative.

3.4.        It is recommended that the petitioners be advised that we will approach National Highways with a request for signing improvements at the junction with the A27/Milton Street.



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact Officer: Jo Reed
Tel. No. 07748 761449



Councillor Stephen Shing


